


The mechanism of action of chemical peeling is that acids have a stimulating effect on fibroblasts (cells of the connective tissue of the body), due to which the active production of elastin and collagen begins, which form a new layer of skin, smoothing fine wrinkles.

Properly selected and done cosmetic peeling can get rid of fine lines, bumps, pimples, bad skin color and other common problems. After the first procedure, the skin will become smoother, softer and velvety with an even matte finish.


  • MANDELAC 40% (Spain)

    4,300 ₽
  • MEDIDERMA Yellow pell retinol (SPAIN)

    8,600 ₽
  • PRX-T33

    7,800 ₽
  • BiorepeelCl3

    7,800 ₽
  • ARGIPEEL 20%

    3,200 ₽
  • Advanced

    3,200 ₽
  • Jessner Peel

    7,000 ₽
  • Comfort Zone rejuvenating peeling

    8,000 ₽
  • Comfort Zone delicate peeling

    8,000 ₽
  • Comfort Zone active cleansing

    2,700 ₽
  • Hardware beauty care O2 Jet Peel

    3,500 ₽
  • Hardware beauty care O2 Jet Peel Plus

    16,500 ₽
  • Thalion Intensive Revitalization

    8,000 ₽


  • Carbon peeling

    7,800 ₽
  • "Laser Toning" Laser toning

    7,800 ₽
  • "Gold Toning" GOLD TONING

    7,800 ₽
  • Complex

    13,000 ₽
  • Acne treatment

    3,900 ₽

Professional peeling by a cosmetologist in Kazan

Peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures that improves and rejuvenates the skin quickly and effectively. As a result of the procedure, the skin is exfoliated, moisturized, and the complexion becomes even.

Benefits of peeling:
- starts the process of cell renewal;
- removes the top layer of the epidermis;
- cleanses pores and eliminates oily sheen;
- reduces inflammation;
- helps in the treatment of acne;
- reduces the number of blackheads on the face;
- evens out the skin, improves blood flow;
- saturates cells with nutrients;
- smoothes wrinkles.

Peelings in the salon are divided into chemical, when there is an effect with the help of acids, and hardware, carried out using a special medical device in the cosmetologist's office. The price of a chemical facial peeling procedure in the salon depends on the type of peeling, the number of procedures and the preparation used.

At the Luciano Medical Center, cosmetologists perform skin peeling with mandelac (Mandelac), mederma (mediderma), PRX, BIOREPEELCL3 (biorepil cl3) preparations, which are safe for the patient's health and have all the necessary certificates of conformity. To achieve the best result, it is worth going through several sessions. The number of procedures and frequency will be determined by the specialist after consultation based on the age, skin type, patient's wishes, the absence or presence of contraindications and restrictions.

The most popular types of peels.
Carbon peeling is a hardware procedure that fights skin imperfections: mimic wrinkles, age spots, enlarged pores, blackheads, blackheads, inflammation. As a result, the skin is cleansed of subcutaneous and external impurities, becomes smooth and even, and the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin is enhanced. It is recommended to take courses of 5-7 procedures with a break of 1-2 weeks at any time of the year. The result will be visible after the first session. Professional carbon facial skin peeling in Kazan in the center of Luciano is carried out by qualified cosmetologists.

The Jessner peel is a universal procedure that is suitable for all skin types. The composition of the chemical solution includes lactic and salicylic acids, resorcinol. Under the influence of a cocktail of acids, the epidermis is destroyed, cell regeneration occurs. Jessner peeling whitens, disinfects and relieves inflammation, which can be in the presence of acne and acne. Also, this type of peeling is recommended for the correction of age-related changes: hyperpigmentation, freckles, uneven skin surface, seborrhea and ingrown hairs. Take courses of 4-5 procedures with a break of several weeks.

The price of professional Jessner peeling and acne treatment in the Luciano clinic depends on the number of prescribed procedures. You can find out more by calling the phone number listed on the site, or by filling out the online form. Cosmetic procedures in the Luciano premium salon - quality at an affordable price.

After the procedures, recovery is fast, so you can immediately return to the normal rhythm of life. At the same time, do not forget that the skin during this period needs special care and attention. It is important to observe the following rules:
- It is not recommended to be in direct sunlight without sunscreen;
- within a few days do not use crabs and aggressive products to cleanse the skin of the face;
- limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
- do not visit the bath and solarium.

Стойкий эффект омоложения можно получить, совмещая пилинги и биоревитализацию. Синергия двух техник замедляет процессы старения, подчеркивает контуры лица, гиалуроновая кислота стимулирует формирование собственных эластиновых и коллагеновых волокон. В результате улучшается цвет, кожа становится гладкой и эластичной. В какой последовательности проводить процедуры – назначает косметолог после консультации. The price of biorevitalization for one session depends on the volume of the injected drug and varies between 9-25 thousand rubles.

Also on the website of the Luciano Medical Center are presented cosmetology services for face and body care: masks, cleansing programs, contouring, correction of mimic wrinkles, thread lifting, mesotherapy, plasmolifting and hardware techniques. An integrated approach will enhance and consolidate the effect for a long time.

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